February 28, 2011

Le Grande Dairy Production Plant

The Le Grande Dairy Production Plant produces milk, both flavored and fresh.
Flavors: Chocolate, Fresh (White), Mango, Pandan, Ube
Prices: P7 per milk bar containing 100mL of milk, P10 per milk powder in a sachet that will make 200mL of milk, P25 per bottle that contains 330mL, P35 per bottle that contains 500mL
Ingredients: Milk, Sugar, Water and Flavoring
1. Milk is gathered from the cows using the milking machine.

2. Storage tanks are used to keep milk that has just been delivered from the milking station.
3. Milk is poured into the cooling tank. 
4. The pasteurizing tanks heats the milk to 72C in order to kill harmful particles such as bacteria.
 5. The homogenizer smoothens the milk by turning solid milk particles into liquid through the use of pressure and heat.
 6. After homogenizing, the milk is poured into the holding tanks which cools the milk to 2C to 4C.
 7. Milk is packaged and placed in the cold storage room to prevent the products from spoiling.


February 24, 2011

BPI (Bureau of Plant and Industry)

The BPI also researches about new methods of growing plants through grafting, budding and in-arching.
In-arching is a way of growing plants artificially. Stems of two plants are cut and joined together.
This is a germplasm of medicinal plants. A germplasm is a (genetic) collection of resources.
These are orchids under a greenhouse. A greenhouse protects plants from too much heat or cold and other pests.
These plants are varieties of soy beans which can be used in making tofu and soya milk.

SRA (Sugar Regulatory Administration)

The SRA researches about new ways of growing sugarcane and better varieties of sugar. The administration already discovered micropropagation - a way of growing thousands of sugarcane in a short period of time. The SRA also analyzes soil so that it would be 'fit' or 'apt' for the crops.

 Vermicompost: Worms (African nightcrawlers, Eudrilus eugeniae) enrich that quality of the soil
 A beater that mixes chemicals and soil
 This is a device that tests the pH of the soil (whether it is acidic or basic).
Trichogramma are minute insects that are known as biological controls of the field by parasitizing the eggs of pests.

UPLB (University of the Phil., Los Baños) Center of Agriculture

The UPLB Center of Agriculture develops and researches about new and higher varieties of crops.
 These plants are used for the experiment in producing bioethanol, a renewable energy source that can be used as gasoline.
 Plants are covered in large plastic bags in order to prevent them from too much heat and pests. Wrapping them also promotes growth.
 This is a method of growing mushrooms. Mycelia is added to the sawdust mixture in these bags.
 This is a nearly matured corn. On the tip of the tall corn plant stalk are some small particles. These serve as nutrients for growth and maturity.
 This is a variety of sweet potato called SP-30. The color of the potato inside is light yellow when mature.

PHIVOLCS (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology)

These are the things that I have learned in PHIVOLCS in La Carlota.
  1. There are many active volcanoes here in the Philippines and there are about six active volcanoes here in Negros alone. 
  2. Magma is stored in magma chambers. A volcano's eruption is independent of another eruption because of these chambers.
  3. The seismic energy of the earthquake is measured through the Richter Scale based on numbers from 0.0 to 10.0. The intensity of the earthquake is measured through the Mercalli Intensity Scale based on roman numerals I to XII where I means no damage and XII means total destruction.
These are some signs that a volcano is about to erupt.
  • The level and temperature of hot springs near the volcano change.
  • Vegetation near the volcano may dry up and temperature may suddenly drop.
  • Rock falls and landslides show the adjustment of the cone of the volcano due to magma.
  • Steam emission darkens and increases in volume as the volcano is about to erupt.
  • The crater shines or glows because of magma.
  • Sulfur can be smelled.
  • Fissuring of the ground may occur because of magma build-up.
  • The number of felt earthquakes increases.
  • Animals exhibit unusual behavior.
Earthquake Survival Kit:
  1. Battery-powered radio
  2. Flashlight
  3. Extra batteries
  4. First Aid kit
  5. (Ready-to-eat) food and water
  6. Whistle
  7. Dust mask
    What to do before an earthquake:
    • Plan on what to do during the earthquake.
    • Secure cabinets, etc. to the wall to prevent sliding.
    • Breakable items and harmful chemicals should be kept and secured.
    • Turn off gas tanks when not in use.
    What to do during an earthquake:
      • If you are inside a building, hide under a sturdy desk.
      • When in a vehicle, get out and do not cross bridges.
      • If you are on the beach, run away from the shore toward higher ground in order to avoid being affected by the tsunami.
      • If you are outside, move to an open area and get away from power lines, posts, walls and other structures that might fall.
      What to do after an earthquake:
      • If you are inside a building, take the safest way out and do not use the elevator.
      • Check for fire and clean up spills, flammable materials and broken glass.
      • Check water and electrical lines. Turn off the valve or switch if there is any damage.
      • Do not enter damaged buildings.
      • Unless you need help, do not use your car and drive around since rescue vehicles need the roads.
      • If you must evacuate your house, leave a note stating where you are going and take with you an earthquake survival kit.
      The Earth's layers.
      Fault lines
      Graph showing an earthquake